Explore our classes

We have a class for every body. Choose from a variety of classes no matter your level, mood, ability or goals.

Class Styles

Whether it’s supplementing your in person practice or fitting Pilates in with your busy lifestyle, we have a class for every body. Our matwork classes range from 20 to 55 minutes offering you flexibility, plus you’ll find a variety of classes to suit your level and class styles to cater to your mood, ability or goals.

  • Alisha Porter - Sense of Power Pilates

    Getting Started

    If you are new to Pilates, don’t know where to start or would like to brush up on your foundational Pilates exercises, we have a getting started series just for you. Our basic classes are perfect for beginners and have been created to help you master the basic Pilates exercises.

  • Kimi Broadbent - The Pilates Vibe

    Small Apparatus

    Add some variety to your regular Pilates exercises with our small apparatus classes. Our teachers will guide you through matwork classes using the Pilates small apparatus. Small apps are a fantastic addition for challenge, resistance, physical feedback and more.

  • Rob Carruthers - Move Mentality

    Pilates for Men

    Pilates is absolutely for men which is why we have created a dedicated matwork series specific to men. You’ll focus on improving your mobility and advancing your practice through each class.

  • Samantha Adams - Inner Strength Pilates & Barre

    Pilates Barre

    Looking to increase your heart rate and get some cardio in your life? Our Pilates Barre classes will have you working up a sweat with our full body programs.

  • Lora Rainey - Spine & Sports Centre & Rig Pilates

    Pregnancy Pilates

    There are many natural changes occurring to your body during pregnancy and that’s why we’ve created classes designed to support you and your little one through your pregnancy journey. You’ll improve your pelvic floor health, strengthen your legs and hips, reduce tightness in your back, but most importantly keep you moving during pregnancy so you can stay strong, fit and healthy.

  • Kim Mackinnon - Think Pilates Albury

    Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization

    Have you heard of DNS? DNS is grounded in neurophysiology and seamlessly integrates with the Pilates principles for holistic physical enhancement. DNS aligns with Pilates to optimize movement precision, endurance, and postural training while integrating sensory-motor functions for a comprehensive approach to well-being. Our classes are delivered by teachers who specialise in DNS. You won’t believe how good you feel.

  • Ash Berry - Move Mentality

    Mobility & Flexibility

    We have a diverse selection of Mobility & Flexibility classes that will be perfect to help you release tension, stress and discomfort in common tight areas such as our neck, shoulders, back and hips.

  • Natalie Dickson - Organic Pilates

    Core Flows

    And… of course we have classes that will help you build a strong core. Our classes begin from the basic abdominal exercises and technique through to more advanced abdominal exercies so you can progress your practice.


We believe the key to transforming your body and mind through Pilates is…..

…….consistent practice, mastering your technique and form, building the self awareness of listening to your own body and; by embodying the principles of the Pilates method.

Pilates to us isn’t a fitness schedule, it's a way of being.